prof. dr. Sofie Claeys
- 0000-0001-6195-5618
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Autonome disfunctie bij functionele dysfonie
(2024) -
Exploring Autonomic (Dys)function In Functional Dysphonia: A Pilot Study
(2024) -
Immediate effects of straw phonation in air or water on the laryngeal function and configuration of female speech-language pathology students visualized with strobovideolaryngoscopy: A randomized controlled trial
(2024) -
Exploring autonomic dysfunction in functional dysphonia : a protocol for a case-control study and a randomized controlled trial
Stemrevalidatie na stemplooiparalyse : ervaringen van logopedisten en patiënten met betrekking tot effect van stemtherapie
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Een panorama over stemstoornissen bij kinderen
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The occurrence of laryngeal pathologies in a treatment-seeking pediatric population
Effect van semi-occluded vocal tract therapie bij kinderen met stemplooinoduli : preliminaire resultaten
Immediate effects of straw phonation in air or water on the laryngeal function and configuration of female speech-language pathology students visualized with strobovideolaryngoscopy : a randomized controlled trial
The occurrence of laryngeal pathologies in a treatment-seeking pediatric population