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- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Discovery of urinary biomarkers to discriminate between exogenous and semi-endogenous thiouracil in cattle : a parallel-like randomized design
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Pharmacokinetic and urinary profiling reveals the prednisolone/cortisol ratio as a valid biomarker for prednisolone administration
Transport of OMPs through FO membranes : influence of OMP and draw solute properties
Transport of OMPs through FO membranes : influence of OMP and draw solute properties
Transport of OMPs through FO membranes : influence of OMP and draw solute properties
Transport of OMPs through FO membranes : influence of OMP and draw solute properties
Discovery of a urinary biomarker to discriminate between semi-endogenous and exogenous thiouracil in cattle
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry for high throughput screening in food analysis : the case of boar taint
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Rapid evaporative ionization mass spectrometry for high throughput screening in food analysis : the case of boar taint
High-resolution mass spectrometry based metabolomics reveals acetylcarnitines as metabolites discriminating red from white meat colonic digestion