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SOX11 regulates SWI/SNF complex components as member of the adrenergic neuroblastoma core regulatory circuitry
SOX11 is a key epigenetic regulator in the adrenergic MYCN amplified neuroblastoma
SOX11 as mediator of the adrenergic cell state in NB
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
In silico discovery of a FOXM1 driven embryonal signaling pathway in therapy resistant neuroblastoma tumors
SOX11 is a transcriptional circuit dosage sensitive transcription factor controlling SWI/SNF components
Network modeling of microRNA-mRNA interactions in neuroblastoma tumorigenesis identifies miR-204 as a direct inhibitor of MYCN
SOX11 acts as part of the MYCN-WEE1 regulatory protein complex implicated in neuroblastoma
SOX11 acts as part of the MYCN-WEE1 regulatory protein complex implicated in neuroblastoma
The HBP1 tumour suppressor is a negative epigenetic regulator of MYCN-driven neuroblastoma through interaction with the PRC2 complex
The BRIP1/FANCJ DNA helicase is a druggable 17q driver oncogene involved in G-quadruplex induced replicative stress resistance in neuroblastoma