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Light and transmission electron microscopy of Vibrio campbellii infection in gnotobiotic Artemia franciscana and protection offered by a yeast mutant with elevated cell wall glucan
Bacterial host interaction of GFP-labelled Vibrio anguillarum HI610 with gnotobiotic sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (L.), larvae
Comparative stereological study of the digestive tract of Artemia franciscana nauplii fed with yeasts differing in cell wall composition
Morphological study of the digestive tract of Artemia franciscana nauplii cultured in germ-free and monognotobiotic conditions
Morphological evaluation and volume measurement of the gut segments of Artemia franciscana nauplii fed with mnn9 vs. wild type strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Morphological characteristics of the digestive tract of gnotobiotic Artemia franciscana nauplii
Morphological analysis of the digestive tract of gnotobiotic brine shrimp (Artemia franciscana) in the presence of defined microbiota
(2011) -
Stereology and computer assisted three-dimensional reconstruction as tools to study probiotic effects of Aeromonas hydrophila on the digestive tract of germ-free Artemia franciscana nauplii
Gfp-labelled listonella anguillarum located in swimbladder of larval sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
Comparative study of the influence of mnn9 yeast vs. wild type yeast on the development of the digestive tract of Artemia franciscana nauplii