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- Journal Article
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Addressing cultural topics during psychotherapy : evidence-based do's and don'ts from an ethnic minority perspective
Hoe de mateloze 19de eeuw een welvaartsstaat baarde
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Partner selection patterns in transition : the case of Turkish and Moroccan minorities in Belgium
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Motherhood in Europe : an examination of parental leave regulations and breastfeeding policy influences on breastfeeding initiation and duration
Societal actors shape collective identities of minorities : procedural fairness climate effects on identification, subjective well-being and psychological health
Divorce in Turkish and Moroccan communities in Belgium
Ethnic residential segregation : a matter of ethnic minority household characteristics?
Ethnic residential segregation : a family matter? An integration of household composition characteristics into the residential segregation literature
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
The paradox of choice : partner choices among highly educated Turkish Belgian women
Partner type attitudes of parents and adolescents : understanding the decline in transnational partnerships among Turkish migrants in Flanders