prof. Hannah Keppler
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Screening van cognitie bij personen met gehoorverlies - mogelijkheden en uitdagingen
(2025) -
The knowledge, experience, and awareness of professionals working with older adults on the auditory-cognitive interactions
Dual-task interference in the assessment of listening effort before and after cochlear implantation in adults : a longitudinal study
Intrasubject variability in Potential Early Markers of Sensorineural Hearing Damage
(2024) -
Physiological measurement of listening effort using the P300 auditory-evoked potential in middle-aged and older adults with and without hearing loss
(2024) -
De rol van cognitie bij spraakverstaan
(2024) -
Cognitieve vaardigheden bij hoortoestelgebruikers, CI-gebruikers en normaalhorenden
(2024) -
Hearing-related quality of life in people with Alzheimer's disease
(2024) -
Noise in the postanesthesia care unit : identifying potential causes for increased noise levels
Exploring prioritization strategies in a dual-task paradigm for listening effort