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Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, XI : identification and elemental analysis of impact craters on Al foils from the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, X : impact speeds and directions of interstellar grains on the Stardust dust collector
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, IX : high-speed interstellar dust analog capture in Stardust flight-spare aerogel
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, VII : synchrotron X-ray fluorescence analysis of six Stardust interstellar candidates measured with the Advanced Photon Source 2-ID-D microprobe
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, VI : quantitative elemental analysis by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence nanoimaging of eight impact features in aerogel
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, V : XRF analyses of interstellar dust candidates at ESRF ID13
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, IV : scanning transmission X-ray microscopy analyses of impact features in the Stardust Interstellar Dust Collector
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, III : infrared spectroscopic analysis of interstellar dust candidates
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, II : curating the interstellar dust collector, picokeystones, and sources of impact tracks
Stardust interstellar preliminary examination, I : identification of tracks in aerogel