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Patterns of leisure experiences and its relation to leisure time activities: a study among teenagers in the Brussels-capital region
(2015) -
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Speelpleinwerkingen in Vlaanderen en Brussel: een onderzoek bij kinderen, begeleiding en verantwoordelijken
(2015) p.1-278 -
Homophily in adolescence: is similarity in status characteristics associated with similarity in anti-school behaviour?
Een kindfocus in de Stadsmonitor: Van perceptiestudie tot digitale tool om kinderen en jongeren te bevragen
(2014) -
Vrijetijdsbesteding en –beleving van leerlingen uit het Nederlandstalig Onderwijs in het Brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest
The impact of policy measures and coaching on the availability and accessibility of early child care: a longitudinal study
The bigger picture: afterthougths
Policies, programmes and interventions: results of focus groups with practitioners, policymakers and researchers
Risky or intense alcohol use from multilevel perspective: individuals within schools within countries: the school
Social contexts, other factors and their influence on alcohol consumption: a combined model