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Malem, de wijk : de kerk in het midden
Huyssens Pieter, Architect, Meester in de Bouwkunde, Lekenbroeder bij de jezuïeten
Aguilon D' François, Jezuïet, wiskundige, fysicus en architect
'Moral ornamentation' of English church architecture in the seventeenth century
The contested space of the aesthetic realm in the 17th century church of England
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Itineraries in 16th and 17th Century spiritual writing
Identity and conflict: cultural heritage, reconstruction and national identity in Kosovo
Roma antica, sacra, moderna: the analogous Romes of the travel guide
Rethinking the twentieth-century catholic church in Belgium: the inter-relationship between liturgy and architecture
A cornerstone in architectural history: the dedication of St. Peter's Abbey, Ghent, 1629