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Global model of low-temperature atmospheric-pressure He + H2O plasmas
Electronic quenching of OH(A) by water in atmospheric pressure plasmas and its influence on the gas temperature determination by OH(A-X) emission
Optical emission spectroscopy as a diagnostic for plasmas in liquids: opportunities and pitfalls
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Performance of partitioned procedures in fluid-structure interaction
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Simulation of fluid-structure interaction with the interface artificial compressibility method
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Bubble simulations with an interface tracking technique based on a partitioned fluid-structure interaction algorithm
Measurement of the gas temperature in plasmas in and in contact with liquids
Sub-microsecond pulsed discharges in and in contact with water
Characterization of a direct dc-excited discharge in water by optical emission spectroscopy
Non-thermal plasmas in and in contact with liquids