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Red Luxembourg
(2022) -
Red Luxembourg
David Peleman (UGent) , Peter Swinnen and Nathan Heindrichs(2022) -
Fragments of a changing natural history of urbanisation
After Charleroi, terre d'urbanisme : how to build the urban civilization of liberated time?
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Tim Verlaan, De ruimtemakers. Projectontwikkelaars en de Nederlandse binnenstad, 1950-1980
Weg van de architectuur
Architecture de la voie
Schools & teachers : the education of an architect in Europe = Scholen & docenten : de opleiding tot architect in Europa
Christophe Van Gerrewey (UGent) , David Peleman (UGent) and Bart Decroos(2019) OASE (DELFT). -
Scholen en docenten : de opleiding tot architect in Europa
Les Hommes de la Route dans le Boudoir : the road conference as an urban microcosm (1910-1938)