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Kyllinga cataphyllata (Cyperaceae), a new species from the Highlands of West and Central Africa
Kyllinga cataphyllata (Cyperaceae), a new species from the Highlands of West and Central Africa
Reconstructing palaeotopography at the beginning of the Weichselian glacial stage using an electromagnetic induction sensor
A neural network approach to topsoil clay prediction using an EMI-based soil sensor
Prospection of two circular Bronze Age ditches with multi-receiver electrical conductivity sensors (North Belgium)
Sensitivity of multi-coil frequency domain electromagnetic induction sensors to map soil magnetic susceptibility
Kyllinga cataphyllata (Cyperaceae), a new species from the highlands of West and Central Africa
Geoarchaeological prospection with multi-coil electromagnetic induction sensors
(2009) -
Extracting topsoil information from EM38DD sensor data using a neural network approach
Dieptebepaling van cirkelvormige structuren uit de bronstijd door middel van georadar (Koekelare, West-Vlaanderen)