- 0000-0002-8806-6893
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Tangping (lying flat) among young adults : shameful, courageous, or just fleeting resistance?
Navigating life (ming) in contemporary China : the shifting meaning of 'changing fate (gaibian mingyun)' in the quest for a better life
Ignorance is bliss : the Chinese art of not knowing
- Book
- open access
Boksen met jongeren : een nieuwe kijk op pedagogisch en didactisch handelen (Boxing with young people: A new approach to pedagogic and didactic action)
Psychofysiek werken en ervaringsgericht leren met jongeren (Psycho-physical and experienced learning with youth)
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
World War 1, the May Fourth Movement and the development of psychology in China, and Europe : reflections on their mutual influence
Een nieuwe kijk op lichaamsgericht werken met jongeren (A new perspective on body-based working with youth)
Chinese happiness : a proverbial approach of popular philosophies of life
- Book Chapter
- open access
China in Belgium : from a religious, economic and political interest to the development of an academic discipline
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Interview : Intellectual histories of Chinese studies