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Effect of the static magnetic field of the MR-scanner on ERPs: Evaluation of visual, cognitive and motor potentials
Automated Subject-Specific Peak Identification andBallistocardiographic Artifact Correction in EEG-fMRI.
(2009) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Automated identification of ERP peaks through Dynamic Time Warping: an application to developmental dyslexia
Removal of the ballistocardiographic artifact from EEG-fMRI data: a canonical correlation approach
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Feasibility study of the time-variant functional connectivity pattern during an epileptic seizure
Removing muscle and eye artifacts using blind source seperation techniques in ictal EEG source imaging
Changes in connectivity patterns in the kainate model of epilepsy
Blind source separation to remove BCG artifact from EEG/fMRI data
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Removal of ballistocardiographic artefact from EEG-fMRI data: a canonical correlation approach
Ballistocardiographic artifact removal from simultaneous EEG/FMRI recording by means of canonical correlation analysis