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The dynamics of multilingual assessment : exploring the impact of linguistic accommodations on science achievement
Functional multilingual learning : traversing the vertical and horizontal dimensions of language repertoires
An exploration of a teacher's distribution of attention and interaction opportunities in early childhood education : a mixed-method single case study
An exploration of a preschool teacher’s distribution of attention
Navigating linguistic diversity : teachers’ beliefs on multilingual pedagogies in monolingual policy schools
School actors navigating between implementor & arbiter : a qualitative study on the dynamics in multilingual schools’ language policy
Exploring teacher–parent relationships in times of Covid-19 : teachers’ expectations and parental home-schooling strategies in a Flemish context
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Professional vision as a mediator for inclusive education? Unravelling the interplay between teachers’ beliefs, professional vision and reported practice of differentiated instruction
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Teaching to the track : grouping in reception education for Newly Arrived Migrant students
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
What prompts early childhood professionals to proffer advice to multilingual families? Investigating the association between language policy and perceived self-efficacy