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- Book Chapter
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OTO : A DIY platform for mobile social robots in education
Livelihoods, power, and food insecurity: adaptation of social capital portfolios in protracted crises—case study Burundi
Social capital and post-conflict reconstruction in Burundi: the limits of community-based reconstruction
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Engineering peace and development: a critical analysis of social capital, 'social engineering', and NGO-interventions: case study Burundi
(2010) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Bridging community associations in post-con£ict Burundi: the di⁄cultmerging of social capital endowments and new ‘institutional settings’
Land als ultiem vredesdividend?: over vredesopbouw en landconflicten in Burundi
The dynamics of social capital and community associations in Uganda: linking capital and its consequences
De Civiele Maatschappij: een 'Nieuwe' Partner in een 'Oud' Systeem?
Ethiek van DNA tot 9/11
Johan Braeckman (UGent) , Bert de Reuver and Thomas Vervisch (UGent)(2005)