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The impact of idle time in the classroom: differential effects on children with ADHD
The impact of instructional context on classroom on-task behavior: a matched comparison of children with ADHD and non-ADHD classmates
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Altered circadian profiles in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: an integrative review and theoretical framework for future studies
Differences in posttraumatic stress reactions between witnesses and direct victims of motor vehicle accidents
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Time-of-day effects in arousal: disrupted diurnal cortisol profiles in children with ADHD
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
How common are motor problems in children with a developmental disorder: rule or exception?
The traumatic impact of motor vehicle accidents in high school students
Narcolepsie bij kinderen met een psychiatrische stoornis
Personality Symptoms and Self-Esteem as Correlates of Psychopathology in Child Psychiatric Patients: Evaluating Multiple Informant Data
Arginine vasopressin receptor gene-based single-nucleotide polymorphism analysis in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder