prof. ir. Nick De Regge
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Reduced virulence of a pseudorabies virus isolate from wild boar origin in domestic pigs correlates with hampered visceral spread and age-dependent reduced neuroinvasive capacity
Age-dependent differences in pseudorabies virus neuropathogenesis and associated cytokine expression
Age- and strain-dependent differences in the outcome of experimental infections of domestic pigs with wild boar pseudorabies virus isolates
Pseudorabies virus isolates from domestic pigs and wild boars show no apparent in vitro differences in replication kinetics and sensitivity to interferon-induced antiviral status
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Persistence of the protective immunity and kinetics of the isotype specific antibody response against the viral nucleocapsid protein after experimental Schmallenberg virus infection of sheep
Effect of saliva stabilisers on detection of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus in oral fluid by quantitative reverse transcriptase real-time PCR
Large-scale cross-sectional serological survey of Schmallenberg virus in Belgian cattle at the end of the first vector season
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
DNase SISPA-next generation sequencing confirms Schmallenberg virus in Belgian field samples and identifies genetic variation in Europe
Impact of a novel inactivated PRRS virus vaccine on virus replication and virus-induced pathology in fetal implantation sites and fetuses upon challenge
The IE180 protein of pseudorabies virus suppresses phosphorylation of translation initiation factor eIF2 alpha