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Why should you choose to publish in the Libyan Journal of Medicine?
Kin and non-kin marriages and family structure in a rich tribal society
The epidemiology of myasthenia gravis in Arab countries: a systematic review
Rituximab: modes of action, remaining dispute and future perspective
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Why are journals from less-developed countries constrained to low impact factors?
Guillain-Barré syndrome in Arab countries: a systematic review
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Rituximab synergizes with hydroxyurea or vincristine in the killing of Ramos Burkitt's lymphoma B cell line
Inheritance of poor writing habits: to improve scientific writing we must break the chain of transmission of complex writing style from senior to junior scientists
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Visibility of Arab countries in the world biomedical literature
Depletion of peripheral blood B cells with Rituximab and phenotype characterization of the recovering population in a patient with follicular lymphoma