prof. dr. Bram De Wever
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Sleutels voor effectief schrijven
Does Digital Disconnection help teenagers? The impact of Digital Disconnection on adolescents’ basic needs and the moderating role of their motivation to disconnect
The Digital Harms Scale for Adolescents: Exploring Perceptions of Time Displacement, Interference, Boundary Blurring and Exposure Effects
(2024) -
Vaardigheden voor de uitdagingen van morgen : Vlaamse resultaten van PIAAC 2023
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Using eye tracking to support professional learning in vision-intensive professions : a case of aviation pilots
From Source Texts to Written Arguments: Unmasking Writing Processes via Process Mining Analysis
(2024) -
Argumentativo2.0: an intervention study on argumentative, collaborative writing skills
(2024) -
Manual of argumentativo (version 1)
(2024) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Providing feedback during the online phase of a flipped classroom design : fostering sustainable learning performance while considering study time management
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
'Situational barriers are keeping me from participating', but are they situational? Examining low-educated adults' psychosocial views on adult learning