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Oral health care needs in Special Olympics athletes in Belgium
Risk factors for caries incidence in a cohort of Flemish preschool children
Adults with Down syndrome: health/care considerations for health professionals
The oral health status of special Olympics athletes in Belgium
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Caries experience and gingivitis levels of permanent first molars in relation to timing of emergence
De mond, spiegel van gezondheid : bijzondere aandachtsgroepen
Luc Martens (UGent) , Dominique Declerck, Roos Leroy (UGent) and Jacques Vanobbergen (UGent)(2009) -
Variables associated with oral hygiene levels in 7-year-olds in Belgium.
Determinanten van 'plaque' en de relatie tot de gebitsaantasting bij Vlaamse 7-jarigen
A multidisciplinary treatment approach of a complicated maxillary dental trauma: case report.