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A model library for dynamic transport and fate of micropollutants in integrated urban wastewater and stormwater systems
A scenario analysis for reducing organic priority pollutants in receiving water using integrated dynamic urban fate models
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Porcine sialoadhesin (CD169/Siglec-1) is an endocytic receptor that allows targeted delivery of toxins and antigens to macrophages
Combining multimedia models with integrated urban water system models for micropollutants
Combining multimedia models with integrated urban water system models for micropollutants
An emission time series generator for pollutant release modelling in urban areas
Modelling the removal of priority pollutants in the urban water cycle
Integrating multimedia models with urban water system models
Dynamic transport and fate models for micro-pollutants in integrated urban wastewater systems
Environmental risk assessment of zinc in European freshwaters: a critical appraisal.