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Vestibular function and motor performance in infants with congenital cytomegalovirus infection : a preliminary study
Comparison of the motor performance and vestibular function in infants with a congenital cytomegalovirus infection or a connexin 26 mutation : a preliminary study
Motor performance and vestibular function in a congenital cytomegalovirus infection or a connexin 26 mutation
Association between vestibular function and motor performance in hearing impaired children
Impact of a cochlear implantation on the early gross motor development of children with a hearing loss
Early motor development of children with a congenital cytomegalovirus infection
Motor performance and vestibular function in children diagnosed with congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection or connexin 26 (Cx26) mutation
Motorische prestatie en vestibulaire functie bij kinderen gediagnostiseerd met een congenitale cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infectie of een connexine 26 (Cx26) mutatie
Examining the impact of cochlear implantation on the early gross motor development of children with a hearing loss
Association between vestibular findings and the motor performance in hearing impaired children