prof. dr. Wim Fias
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Does a real-life cognitively enriched walking program “Take a walk with your brain” benefit cognitive functioning and physical activity in community-dwelling older adults? A randomized controlled trial
- Journal Article
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- open access
Eye movements follow the dynamic shifts of attention through serial order in verbal working memory
From long-term to short-term : distinct neural networks underlying semantic knowledge and its recruitment in working memory
Reading direction interacts with spatial processes of temporal order verbal working memory : evidence from Iranian right-to-left readers
Differentiating everyday map tasks : unique attention-related eye movements and electrophysiological signatures of map use
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Attention-based rehearsal : eye movements reveal how visuospatial information is maintained in working memory
Recognition of map activities using eye tracking and EEG data
The development of arithmetic strategy use in the brain
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Statistics anxiety in Flanders : exploring its level, antecedents, and performance impact across professional and academic bachelor programs in psychology
- Journal Article
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- open access
Spatialization in working memory and its relation to math anxiety