prof. dr. Gwendolyn Portzky
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The Insight Study: A Case–Control Psychological Autopsy Study Examining Factors Associated With Suicide in Middle‐Aged People
Assessing a suicide prevention helpline’s impact on caller crisis level and suicidality
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Effects of a serious game for adolescent mental health on cognitive vulnerability : pilot usability study
Suicide risk, related factors and the impact of COVID-19 amongst suicide prevention helpline callers : a network analysis
Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for individuals who are suicidal : a randomized controlled trial
Evaluation of an online suicide prevention campaign targeting men
Investigating the relation between suicide ideation and attempts in transgender adolescents and social support, life satisfaction and coping skills
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
The effects of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy for suicidal ideation or behaviors on depression, anxiety, and hopelessness in individuals with suicidal ideation : systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data
'I don't feel at home in this world' : sexual and gender minority emerging adults' self-perceived links between their suicidal thoughts and sexual orientation or gender identity
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Future‐oriented group training for suicidal individuals : a randomized controlled trial