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Whole sediment toxicity tests for metal risk assessments: on the importance of equilibration and test design to increase ecological relevance
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Chronic toxicity of Pb to Chironomus riparius in five natural waters
(2012) -
Single versus combined exposure of Hyalella azteca to zinc contaminated sediment and food
Evaluation of the mayfly Ephoron virgo for European sediment toxicity assessment
Field measurement of nickel sediment toxicity: role of acid volatile sulfide
MOLYTOX : ecotoxicity of the molybdate ion (MoO4 2-) to eight freshwater species : draft rinal report
(2008) -
Chronic toxicity of copper to five benthic invertebrates in laboratory-formulated sediment: sensitivity comparison and preliminary risk assessment
Characterizing sediment acid volatile sulfide concentrations in European streams
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Toxicological availability of nickel to the benthic oligochaete Lumbriculus variegatus
Field validation of sediment zinc toxicity