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High efficacy of huCD20-targeted AcTaferon in humanized patient derived xenograft models of aggressive B cell lymphoma
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Safe eradication of large established tumors using neovasculature-targeted tumor necrosis factor-based therapies
Leptin receptor antagonism of iNKT cell function : a novel strategy to combat multiple myeloma
- Journal Article
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- open access
The leptin receptor complex : heavier than expected?
Hyperleptinemia is associated with impaired pulmonary host defense
Leptin: from structural insights to the design of antagonists
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Leptin's metabolic and immune functions can be uncoupled at the ligand/receptor interaction level
An abnormally glycosylated isoform of erythropoietin in hemangioblastoma is associated with polycythemia
Inhibition of the connexin 43 elevation may be involved in the neuroprotective activity of leptin against brain ischemic injury
20 Years of leptin: insights into signaling assemblies of the leptin receptor