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Il faut prendre patience:ethnographic collections and the taboo of colonialsm in Belgium
Academic heritage at Ghent University: the field's outlook on the future
(2011) 4. -
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
The ethno-wiki project: ethnographic museums in Wikimedia commons
Dudul: spons of bies, dier of plant?
Asmat dress
Het (veld)werk van de Camiel Van Breedam
A few objects of the ethnographic collections of the Ghent University (Belgium) presented as concept files in Wikimedia : a story about an old collection starting a new 'virtual' life
Art as contact with ancestors visual arts of the Kamoro and Asmat of West Papua
(2009) 389. -
Art as contact with ancestors: visual arts of the kamoro and asmat of western Papua
(2009) 389. -
Nouvelle Guinée