Patrick Hochstenbach
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- Journal Article
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Using event notifications, solid and orchestration for decentralizing and decoupling scholarly communication
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
RDF surfaces : computer says no
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Introduction into the Solid Project and its implementations
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Shapes, forms & footprints : towards Web generation of RDF data without coding
- Miscellaneous
- open access
The COAR Notify Initiative
(2022) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Notifications Point-to-Point Interlinking Artifacts
- Miscellaneous
- open access
Decentralized scholarly communication & the notify protocol
(2022) -
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Web 1,2,3? The future of library services
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
What’s in a Pod? A knowledge graph interpretation for the Solid ecosystem
Notifications in Value-Adding Networks