1 – 359 of 359
- 2024
- A metabolic perspective on polyploid invasion and the emergence of life histories : insights from a mechanistic model (2024) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 111(8).
- Environmental DNA metabarcoding reflects spatiotemporal fish community shifts in the Scheldt estuary (2024) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 934.
- Three years of morphological dune development after planting marram grass on a beach (2024) EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS. 49(10). p.2980-2997
- Interspecific transfer of genetic information through polyploid bridges (2024) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 121(21).
- Designing dunes in front of dikes: a hybrid blue-grey solutions for coastal safety under climate change (2024)
- Understanding polyploid establishment : temporary persistence or stable coexistence? (2024) OIKOS. 2024(5).
- Asymmetrical gene flow between coastal and inland dunes in a threatened digger wasp (2024) CONSERVATION GENETICS. 25(1). p.259-275
- 2023
- Urbanization impacts short‐ but not long‐distance natal dispersal in a common orb web spider (2023) OIKOS. 2023(12).
- The duplication of genomes and genetic networks and its potential for evolutionary adaptation and survival during environmental turmoil (2023) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 120(41).
- Egg provisioning explains the penetrance of symbiont-mediated sex allocation distortion in haplodiploids (2023) HEREDITY. 131(3). p.221-229
- Experimental evolution of dispersal : unifying theory, experiments and natural systems (2023) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 92(6). p.1113-1123
- Hydrogen cyanide, a key plant defense, as a potential driver of root-associated nematode communities along urbanization gradients (2023) FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 11.
- The functional composition of dune nematode communities is structured by both biogeographic region and the local marram grass environment (2023) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY. 117.
- Dispersal capacity underlies scale‐dependent changes in species richness patterns under human disturbance (2023) ECOLOGY. 104(3).
- Dune toe dynamics along the urbanised macro-tidal coast of Belgium (2023) EARTH SURFACE PROCESSES AND LANDFORMS. 48(13). p.2433-2445
- Data from: Using environmental DNA metabarcoding to monitor fish communities in small rivers and large brooks: Insights on the spatial scale of information (2023)
- Neutral processes underlying the macro eco-evolutionary dynamics of mixed-ploidy systems (2023) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 290(1995).
- Arthropod food webs predicted from body size ratios are improved by incorporating prey defensive properties (2023) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 92(4). p.913-924
- Plant clustering generates negative plant-soil feedback without changing the spatial distribution of soil fauna (2023) WEB ECOLOGY. 23(1). p.1-15
- 2022
- Accelerated invasion through the evolution of dispersal behaviour (2022) GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY. 31(12). p.2423-2436
- Dispersal syndromes in challenging environments: a cross‐species experiment (2022) ECOLOGY LETTERS. 25(12). p.2675-2687
- Notes on the myrmecophilous spider Mastigusa arietina (Thorell, 1871) (2022) JOURNAL OF THE BELGIAN ARACHNOLOGICAL SOCIETY. 37(2). p.92-98
- Interacting host modifier systems control Wolbachia-induced cytoplasmic incompatibility in a haplodiploid mite (2022) EVOLUTION LETTERS. 6(3). p.255-265
- The demographic consequences of adaptation : evidence from experimental evolution (2022) AMERICAN NATURALIST. 199(6). p.729-742
- Dissecting the costs of a facultative symbiosis in an isopod living with ants (2022) OECOLOGIA. 199(2). p.355-366
- Phenotypic and genotypic divergence of plant–herbivore interactions along an urbanization gradient (2022) EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS. 15(5). p.865-877
- Evolutionary ecology of plant-arthropod interactions in light of the 'omics' sciences : a broad guide (2022) FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE. 13.
- Heritability of dispersal in a rapidly spreading invasive spider (2022) ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR. 183. p.93-101
- The distribution and impact of an invasive plant species (Senecio inaequidens) on a dune building engineer (Calamagrostis arenaria) (2022) NEOBIOTA. 72. p.1-23
- Global urban environmental change drives adaptation in white clover (2022) SCIENCE. 375(6586). p.1275-1281
- Tree species diversity and forest edge density jointly shape the gut microbiota composition in juvenile great tits (Parus major) (2022) FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY. 13.
- Behavioral strategies and the spatial pattern formation of nesting (2022) AMERICAN NATURALIST. 199(1). p.E15-E27
- Rapid conservation evidence for the impact of sheep grazing on a threatened digger wasp (2022) INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY. 15(1). p.149-156
- 2021
- Plant diets of land snail community members are similar in composition but differ in richness (2021) JOURNAL OF MOLLUSCAN STUDIES. 87(4).
- Behavioral strategies and the spatial pattern formation of nesting (2021)
- Disentangling the roles of electric fields and wind in spider dispersal experiments (2021) JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY. 49(3). p.380-383
- Biomorphogenic Feedbacks and the Spatial Organization of a Dominant Grass Steer Dune Development (2021) FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 9.
- Mixing of tree species is especially beneficial for biodiversity in fragmented landscapes, without compromising forest functioning (2021) JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. 58(12). p.2903-2913
- De moeilijke balans tussen duinbeheer en bescherming van de Harkwesp : valt begrazing in de duinen te verzoenen met het behoud van ongewervelden? (2021) NATUURFOCUS. 20(3). p.100-108
- Diet diversity and environment determine the intestinal microbiome and bacterial pathogen load of fire salamanders (2021) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 11(1).
- Leachates from plants recently infected by root-feeding nematodes cause increased biomass allocation to roots in neighbouring plants (2021) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 11(1).
- Genetically diverse populations spread faster in benign but not in challenging environments (2021) ECOLOGY. 102(6).
- Diapause and bet‐hedging strategies in insects : a meta‐analysis of reaction norm shapes (2021) OIKOS. 130(8). p.1240-1250
- Moving apart together : co-movement of a symbiont community and their ant host, and its importance for community assembly (2021) MOVEMENT ECOLOGY. 9(1).
- Flowering phenology and reproduction of a forest understorey plant species in response to the local environment (2021) PLANT ECOLOGY. 222(6). p.749-760
- Body size and tree species composition determine variation in prey consumption in a forest-inhabiting generalist predator (2021) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 11(12). p.8295-8309
- Salamander loss alters litter decomposition dynamics (2021) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 776.
- Exploring the faecal microbiome of the Eurasian nuthatch (Sitta europaea) (2021) ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY. 203. p.2119-2127
- Overstorey composition shapes across‐trophic level community relationships in deciduous forest regardless of fragmentation context (2021) JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 109(4). p.1591-1606
- Microbiome and environment explain the absence of correlations between consumers and their diet in Bornean microsnails (2021) ECOLOGY. 102(2).
- Species-specific effects of thermal stress on the expression of genetic variation across a diverse group of plant and animal taxa under experimental conditions (2021) HEREDITY. 126(1). p.23-37
- 2020
- Mixing tree species is especially beneficial for biodiversity and forest functioning in highly fragmented landscapes (2020) AUTHOREA.
- Transgenerational plasticity and bet-hedging : a framework for reaction norm evolution (2020) FRONTIERS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 8.
- In het spoor van een nieuwe leefomgeving : biodiversiteit langs spoorwegen : de Kiezelsprinkhaan als casestudie (2020) NATUUR.FOCUS. 19(1). p.18-25
- The role of preadaptation, propagule pressure and competition in the colonization of new habitats (2020) OIKOS. 129(6). p.820-829
- Belowground plant-plant signaling of root infection by nematodes (2020) PEDOBIOLOGIA. 83.
- Season as a discriminating factor for faecal metabolomic composition of great tits (Parus major) (2020) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 150. p.169-184
- Performance in a novel environment subject to ghost competition (2020) PEERJ. 8.
- The topology and drivers of ant-symbiont networks across Europe (2020) BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS.
- Urbanization alters plastic responses in the common dandelion Taraxacum officinale (2020) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 10(9). p.4082-4090
- Where Have All the Spiders Gone? Observations of a Dramatic Population Density Decline in the Once Very Abundant Garden Spider, Araneus diadematus (Araneae: Araneidae), in the Swiss Midland (2020) INSECTS. 11(4).
- Trapped by habitat choice: Ecological trap emerging from adaptation in an evolutionary experiment (2020) EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS.
- Aligning biodiversity conservation and ecosystem services in spatial planning : focus on ecosystem processes (2020) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 712.
- Dispersal and life-history traits in a spider with rapid range expansion (2020) MOVEMENT ECOLOGY. 8(1).
- Spatial connectedness imposes local‐ and metapopulation‐level selection on life history through feedbacks on demography (2020) ECOLOGY LETTERS. 23(2). p.242-253
- The physiology of movement (2020) MOVEMENT ECOLOGY. 8(1).
- The neglected impact of tracking devices on terrestrial arthropods (2020) METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 11(3). p.350-361
- Induced phenological avoidance : a neglected defense mechanism against seed predation in plants (2020) JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 108(3). p.1115-1124
- Urbanization drives cross-taxon declines in abundance and diversity at multiple spatial scales (2020) GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 26(3). p.1196-1211
- Habitat loss and fragmentation increase realized predator-prey body size ratios (2020) FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY. 34(2). p.534-544
- Forest edges, tree diversity and tree identity change leaf miner diversity in a temperate forest (2020) INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY. 13(1). p.10-22
- 2019
- Kustbarometer : onze duinen 100 jaar na datum... (2019) DE GROTE REDE. 50. p.26-27
- Transient local adaptation and source-sink dynamics in experimental populations experiencing spatially heterogeneous environments (2019) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 286(1905).
- A simple spatially explicit neutral model explains the range size distribution of reef fishes (2019) GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY. 28(7). p.875-890
- The distinct phenotypic signatures of dispersal and stress in an arthropod model : from physiology to life history (2019) JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. 222(16).
- Interspecific plant competition mediates the metabolic and ecological signature of a plant-herbivore interaction under warming and elevated CO2 (2019) FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY. 33(10). p.1842-1853
- Soil heterogeneity in tree mixtures depends on spatial clustering of tree species (2019) BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 39. p.38-47
- The effect of mass-flowering orchards and semi-natural habitat on bumblebee colony performance (2019) LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. 34(5). p.1033-1044
- The importance of fire salamanders (Salamandra salamandra terrestris) within Belgian forest ecosystems (2019) Mitigating single pathogen and co-infections that threaten amphibian biodiversity. p.29-29
- Small forest patches as pollinator habitat : oases in an agricultural desert? (2019) LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. 34(3). p.487-501
- Forest fragmentation and tree species composition jointly shape breeding performance of two avian insectivores (2019) FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 443. p.95-105
- Avian top-down control affects invertebrate herbivory and sapling growth more strongly than overstorey species composition in temperate forest fragments (2019) FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 442. p.1-9
- Incomplete datasets obscure associations between traits affecting dispersal ability and geographic range size of reef fishes in the Tropical Eastern Pacific (2019) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 9(4). p.1567-1577
- Forest fragmentation modulates effects of tree species richness and composition on ecosystem multifunctionality (2019) ECOLOGY. 100(4).
- Strength of forest edge effects on litter-dwelling macro-arthropods across Europe is influenced by forest age and edge properties (2019) DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS. 25(6). p.963-974
- Habitat choice stabilizes metapopulation dynamics by enabling ecological specialization (2019) OIKOS. 128(4). p.529-539
- Importance of forest fragments as pollinator habitat varies with season and guild (2019) BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 34. p.95-107
- Influence of individual density and habitat availability on long-distance dispersal in a salt-marsh spider (2019) ETHOLOGY ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION. 31(1). p.28-37
- The importance and adaptive value of life‐history evolution for metapopulation dynamics (2019) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 88(1). p.24-34
- Eco-evolutionary feedbacks : theoretical models and perspectives (2019) FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY. 33(1). p.13-30
- Experimental island biogeography demonstrates the importance of island size and dispersal for the adaptation to novel habitats (2019) GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY. 28(2). p.238-247
- Urbanization-driven changes in web building and body size in an orb web spider (2019) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 88(1). p.79-91
- Distinct growth responses to drought for oak and beech in temperate mixed forests (2019) SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT. 650(2). p.3017-3026
- 2018
- Verstedelijking verandert faunagemeenschappen (2018) NATUUR.ORIOLUS (TURNHOUT). 17(2). p.62-68
- Parasitisme en symbiose : wat verandert er in de stad? (2018) NATUUR.ORIOLUS (TURNHOUT). 17(2). p.75-81
- Verstedelijking en biodiversiteit door een ecologische en evolutionaire bril (2018) NATUUR.ORIOLUS (TURNHOUT). 17(2). p.52-61
- Bosranden hebben een sterke invloed op de verspreiding van strooiselfauna (2018) BOSREVUE (MELLE). p.1-8
- Leaf herbivory is more impacted by forest composition than by tree diversity or edge effects (2018) BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 29. p.79-88
- Information use during movement regulates how fragmentation and loss of habitat affect body size (2018) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 285(1884).
- Body-size shifts in aquatic and terrestrial urban communities (2018) NATURE. 558(7708). p.113-116
- Contrasting indirect effects of an ant host on prey-predator interactions of symbiotic arthropods (2018) OECOLOGIA. 188(4). p.1145-1153
- Prudent behavior rather than chemical deception enables a parasite to exploit its ant host (2018) BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY. 29(6). p.1225-1233
- Size-dependent movement explains why bigger is better in fragmented landscapes (2018) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 8(22). p.102754-10767
- Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups (2018) NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION. 2(12). p.1859-1863
- Human-mediated dispersal and the rewiring of spatial networks (2018) TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION. 33(12). p.958-970
- Eco-evolutionary feedbacks following changes in spatial connectedness (2018) CURRENT OPINION IN INSECT SCIENCE. 29. p.64-70
- 20 years after View from the Park : advance ecology and avoid editorial rejection in Oikos (2018) OIKOS. 127(1). p.1-4
- Skin mucosome activity as an indicator of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans susceptibility in salamanders (2018) PLOS ONE. 13(7).
- Macro-detritivore identity and biomass along with moisture availability control forest leaf litter breakdown in a field experiment (2018) APPLIED SOIL ECOLOGY. 131. p.47-54
- Mitigating the impact of microbial pressure on great (Parus major) and blue (Cyanistes caeruleus) tit hatching success through maternal immune investment (2018) PLOS ONE. 13(10).
- Competition, tree age and size drive the productivity of mixed forests of pedunculate oak, beech and red oak (2018) FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. 430. p.609-617
- Tree species diversity indirectly affects nutrient cycling through the shrub layer and its high-quality litter (2018) PLANT AND SOIL. 427(1-2). p.335-350
- Effects of mineral soil and forest floor on the regeneration of pedunculate oak, beech and red oak (2018) FORESTS. 9(2).
- Desiccation resistance determines distribution of woodlice along forest edge-to-interior gradients (2018) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOIL BIOLOGY. 85. p.1-3
- Linking macrodetritivore distribution to desiccation resistance in small forest fragments embedded in agricultural landscapes in Europe (2018) LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. 33(3). p.407-421
- Kin competition accelerates experimental range expansion in an arthropod herbivore (2018) ECOLOGY LETTERS. 21(2). p.225-234
- Genetics of dispersal (2018) BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS. 93(1). p.574-599
- Environmental adaptations, ecological filtering, and dispersal central to insect invasions (2018) Annual Review of Entomology. 63. p.345-368
- 2017
- Tree species identity outweighs the effects of tree species diversity and forest fragmentation on understorey diversity and composition (2017) PLANT ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 150(3). p.229-239
- Salmonella Typhimurium DT193 and DT99 are present in great and blue tits in Flanders, Belgium (2017) PLOS ONE. 12(11).
- How tree species identity and diversity affect light transmittance to the understory in mature temperate forests (2017) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 7(24). p.10861-10870
- Gene flow favours local adaptation under habitat choice in ciliate microcosms (2017) NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION. 1(9). p.1407-1410
- Interspecific competition counteracts negative effects of dispersal on adaptation of an arthropod herbivore to a new host (2017) JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 30(11). p.1966-1977
- Intraspecific variation shapes community-level behavioral responses to urbanization in spiders (2017) ECOLOGY. 98(9). p.2379-2390
- Endemism of Salmonella Typhimurium does not compromise reproductive success in great (Parus major) and blue (Cyanistes caeruleus) tits (2017) WDA, 66th Annual international conference, Abstracts.
- Ontogenesis of opercular deformities in gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata : a histological description (2017) JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY. 91(5). p.1419-1434
- Warming affects different components of plant-herbivore interaction in a simplified community but not net interaction strength (2017) OIKOS. 126(2). p.285-295
- Urbanization drives community shifts towards thermophilic and dispersive species at local and landscape scales (2017) GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 23(7). p.2554-2564
- Robustness of metacommunities with omnivory to habitat destruction : disentangling patch fragmentation from patch loss (2017) ECOLOGY. 98(6). p.1631-1639
- (Re)appreciating the role of life history in eco-evolutionary dynamics (2017) OIKOS. 126(4). p.459-461
- Dispersal : a central and independent trait in life history (2017) OIKOS. 126(4). p.472-479
- 17 years of grassland management leads to parallel local and regional biodiversity shifts among a wide range of taxonomic groups (2017) BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. 26(3). p.717-734
- Adaptation to fragmentation : evolutionary dynamics driven by human influences (2017) PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 372(1712).
- 2016
- The importance of relative humidity and trophic resources in governing ecological niche of the invasive carabid beetle Merizodus soledadinus in the Kerguelen archipelago (2016) JOURNAL OF INSECT PHYSIOLOGY. 93-94. p.42-49
- Spatial selection and local adaptation jointly shape life-history evolution during range expansion (2016) AMERICAN NATURALIST. 188(5). p.485-498
- Delayed effects of chlorpyrifos across metamorphosis on dispersal-related traits in a poleward moving damselfly (2016) ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION. 218. p.634-643
- Low larval densities in northern populations reinforce range expansion by a Mediterranean damselfly (2016) FRESHWATER BIOLOGY. 61(9). p.1430-1441
- Zen and the art of ecological synthesis (2016) OIKOS. 125(3). p.285-287
- Ecological sustainability in rangelands : the contribution of dung beetles in secondary seed dispersal (case study: Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari province, Iran) (2016) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. 5(3). p.133-139
- How not to influence ecology : three things we have learned at Oikos (2016) OIKOS. 125(1). p.1-2
- Metabolic adaptations in a range-expanding arthropod (2016) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 6(18). p.6556-6564
- Complementary distribution patterns of arthropod detritivores (woodlice and millipedes) along forest edge-to-interior gradients (2016) INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY. 9(5). p.456-469
- Life-history evolution in response to changes in metapopulation structure in an arthropod herbivore (2016) FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY. 30(8). p.1408-1417
- Is there a missing link?: effects of root herbivory on plant-pollinator interactions and reproductive output in a monocarpic species (2016) PLANT BIOLOGY. 18(1). p.156-163
- Life history trade-offs imposed by dragline use in two money spiders (2016) JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. 219(1). p.26-30
- 2015
- Ontogenetic manifestationsis of opercular deformities in gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) : a histological description of the osteogenesis (2015) Cranio-cervical Systems in Vertebrates, 6th International meeting, Abstracts.
- The influence of herbivory on pre- and postzygotic stages of reproduction following open, self, and outcross pollination (2015) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY. 102(12). p.2013-2019
- Spatial and spatiotemporal variation in metapopulation structure affects population dynamics in a passively dispersing arthropod (2015) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 84(6). p.1565-1574
- Combined elevated CO2 and climate warming induces lagged effects of drought in Lolium perenne and Plantago lanceolata (2015) PLANT ECOLOGY. 216(8). p.1047-1059
- Importance of core and linear marsh elements for wetland arthropod diversity in an agricultural landscape (2015) INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY. 8(4). p.289-301
- Higher investment in flight morphology does not trade off with fecundity estimates in a poleward range-expanding damselfly (2015) ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY. 40(2). p.133-142
- The lost generation hypothesis: could climate change drive ectotherms into a developmental trap? (2015) OIKOS. 124(1). p.54-61
- Intraspecific variation in flowering phenology affects seed germinability in the forest herb Primula elatior (2015) PLANT ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 148(2). p.283-288
- The evolution of thermal performance can constrain dispersal during range shifting (2015) JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL DYNAMICS. 9(1). p.317-335
- Woodlice and millipedes in small forest fragments in Europe: possible implications for litter decomposition (2015) Sustaining ecosystem services in forest landscapes : book of abstracts. p.44-44
- Empirically simulated spatial sorting points at fast epigenetic changes in dispersal behaviour (2015) EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY. 29(2). p.299-310
- Treatment of urodelans based on temperature dependent infection dynamics of Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans (2015) SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. 5.
- Species-area relationships are modulated by trophic rank, habitat affinity and dispersal ability (2015) ECOLOGY. 96(2). p.518-531
- 2014
- Fitness maximization by dispersal : evidence from an invasion experiment (2014) ECOLOGY. 95(11). p.3104-3111
- Integrating large-scale geographic patterns in flight morphology, flight characteristics and sexual selection in a range-expanding damselfly (2014) ECOGRAPHY. 37(10). p.1012-1021
- Dispersal distance is influenced by parental and grand-parental density (2014) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 281(1790).
- What factors shape female phenotypes of a poleward-moving damselfly at the edge of its range? (2014) BIOLOGICAL JOURNAL OF THE LINNEAN SOCIETY. 112(3). p.556-568
- Assessing the impact of beach nourishment on the intertidal food web through the development of a mechanistic-envelope model (2014) JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. 51(5). p.1304-1313
- A comparative analysis of dispersal syndromes in terrestrial and semi-terrestrial animals (2014) ECOLOGY LETTERS. 17(8). p.1039-1052
- Spatially correlated extinctions select for less emigration but larger dispersal distances in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae (2014) EVOLUTION. 68(6). p.1838-1844
- Invasion rate of deer ked depends on spatiotemporal variation in host density (2014) BULLETIN OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 104(3). p.314-322
- Increased activity and growth rate in the non-dispersive aquatic larval stage of a damselfly at an expanding range edge (2014) FRESHWATER BIOLOGY. 59(6). p.1266-1277
- Unravelling the effects of contemporary and historical range expansion on the distribution of genetic diversity in the damselfly Coenagrion scitulum (2014) JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 27(4). p.748-759
- Prospecting and dispersal: their eco-evolutionary dynamics and implications for population patterns (2014) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 281(1778).
- Potential of short rotation coppice plantations to reinforce functional biodiversity in agricultural landscapes (2014) BIOMASS & BIOENERGY. 67. p.435-442
- Habitat structure mediates spatial segregation and therefore coexistence (2014) LANDSCAPE ECOLOGY. 29(4). p.593-604
- Above- and belowground herbivory jointly impact defense and seed dispersal traits in Taraxacum officinale (2014) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 4(16). p.3309-3319
- A model-based approach to studying changes in compositional heterogeneity (2014) METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 5(2). p.156-164
- Rapid evolution of larval life history, adult immune function and flight muscles in a poleward-moving damselfly (2014) JOURNAL OF EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 27(1). p.141-152
- 2013
- Data from: Rapid range expansion increases genetic differentiation while causing limited reduction in genetic diversity in a damselfly (2013)
- Wordt de grond te warm onder de poten van de Argusvlinder? Is het klimaat verantwoordelijk voor zijn achteruitgang in Vlaanderen? (2013) NATUUR.ORIOLUS (TURNHOUT). 12(4). p.140-144
- Spinnen in een ruimtelijke en evolutionaire context van natuurbeheer (2013) DE LEVENDE NATUUR. 114(5). p.173-176
- Dispersal and species' responses to climate change (2013) OIKOS. 122(11). p.1532-1540
- Context- and stage-dependent effects in frugivorous seed dispersal (2013) ALTER-Net Summerschool, Abstracts.
- Integrating movement ecology with biodiversity research : exploring new avenues to address spatiotemporal biodiversity dynamics (2013) MOVEMENT ECOLOGY. 1.
- Rapid range expansion increases genetic differentiation while causing limited reduction in genetic diversity in a damselfly (2013) HEREDITY. 111(5). p.422-429
- The presence of root-feeding nematodes - not AMF - affects an herbivore dispersal strategy (2013) ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 52. p.38-44
- Cost–benefit balance of dispersal and the evolution of conditional dispersal strategies in spiders (2013) Spider ecophysiology. p.67-78
- Density and genetic relatedness increase dispersal distance in a subsocial organism (2013) ECOLOGY LETTERS. 16(4). p.430-437
- The hemiparasite Pedicularis palustris: 'ecosystem engineer' for fen-meadow restoration (2013) JOURNAL FOR NATURE CONSERVATION. 21(2). p.65-71
- More rapid climate change promotes evolutionary rescue through selection for increased dispersal distance (2013) EVOLUTIONARY APPLICATIONS. 6(2). p.353-364
- 2012
- Evolution and emergence of dispersal kernels: a brief theoretical evaluation (2012) Dispersal ecology and evolution. p.211-221
- Dispersal syndromes in spiders and butterflies (2012) Dispersal ecology and evolution. p.161-170
- Spiders as a model in dispersal ecology and evolution (2012) Dispersal ecology and evolution. p.XXVI-XXVIII
- Non-local genotypes of a resident grass species reduce invertebrate species richness (2012) INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY. 5(6). p.453-460
- Selection on plant height through the interplay of landscape and large herbivores (2012) OIKOS. 121(12). p.1977-1984
- Soil conditions in natural, declining and restored heathlands influence plant-pollinator interactions of Calluna vulgaris (2012) RESTORATION ECOLOGY. 20(5). p.603-611
- Modelling dispersal: an eco-evolutionary framework incorporating emigration, movement, settlement behaviour and the multiple costs involved (2012) METHODS IN ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 3(4). p.628-641
- Landscape dynamics determine the small-scale genetic structure of an endangered dune slack plant species (2012) JOURNAL OF COASTAL RESEARCH. 28(4). p.780-786
- Food stress during juvenile and maternal development shapes natal and breeding dispersal in a spider (2012) BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY. 23(4). p.759-764
- Editorial: synthesis in ecology (2012) OIKOS. 121(6). p.801-803
- Costs of dispersal (2012) BIOLOGICAL REVIEWS. 87(2). p.290-312
- A data-driven simulation of endozoochory by ungulates illustrates directed dispersal (2012) ECOLOGICAL MODELLING. 230. p.114-122
- Habitat use, but not dispersal limitation, as the mechanism behind the aggregated population structure of the mygalomorph species Atypus affinis (2012) ANIMAL BIOLOGY. 62(2). p.181-192
- Effecten van boomsoortgeïnduceerde verzuring op de zaadbank (2012) Starters in het Natuur- en Bosonderzoek, Abstracts.
- Integrating context- and stage-dependent effects in studies of frugivorous seed dispersal: an example from south-east Kenya (2012) Dispersal ecology and evolution. p.50-59
- 2011
- Comparison of reproductive traits between two salt-marsh wolf spiders (Araneae, Lycosidae) under different habitat suitability conditions (2011) ANIMAL BIOLOGY. 61(2). p.127-138
- Context- and stage-dependent effects in frugivorous seed dispersal: an example from south-east Kenya (2011) European Ecological Federation, 12th Congress, Abstracts.
- Soil biota effects on clonal growth and flowering in the forest herb Stachys sylvatica (2011) ACTA OECOLOGICA-INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 37(2). p.110-116
- Heritability and artificial selection on ambulatory dispersal distance in Tetranychus urticae : effects of density and maternal effects (2011) PLOS ONE. 6(10).
- Nematodes surfing the waves: long-distance dispersal of soil-borne microfauna via sea swept rhizomes (2011) OIKOS. 120(11). p.1649-1656
- Grazing impact on plant spatial distribution and community composition (2011) PLANT ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION. 144(1). p.19-28
- Salinity effects on the coexistence of cryptic species: a case study on marine nematodes (2011) MARINE BIOLOGY. 158(12). p.2717-2726
- Landscape structure, dispersal and the evolution of antagonistic plant-herbivore interactions (2011) ECOGRAPHY. 34(3). p.480-487
- Dual benefit from a belowground symbiosis: nitrogen fixing rhizobia promote growth and defense against a specialist herbivore in a cyanogenic plant (2011) PLANT AND SOIL. 341(1-2). p.209-219
- Selective integration advantages when transience is costly: immigration behaviour in an agrobiont spider (2011) ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR. 81(4). p.837-841
- Contrasting covariation of above- and belowground invertebrate species across plant genotypes (2011) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 80(1). p.148-158
- 2010
- Patch connectivity and sand dynamics affect dispersal-related morphology of the blue-winged grasshopper Oedipoda caerulescens in coastal grey dunes (2010) INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY. 3(3). p.205-212
- Soil-dependent growth strategy of invasive plants: empirical evidence and model predictions using Carpobrotus edulis as target species (2010) Science facing aliens : proceedings of a scientific meeting on invasive alien species. p.23-26
- Overleven als bedreigde plantensoort in een gefragmenteerd, dynamisch landschap (2010) NATUUR.FOCUS. 9(4). p.151-157
- Aphids on Ammophila arenaria in Belgium : first reports, phenology and host range expansion (2010) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 140(1). p.77-79
- Relative importance of biotic and abiotic soil components to plant growth and insect herbivore population dynamics (2010) PLOS ONE. 5(9).
- Changing landscapes : consequences for the recruitment of animal-dispersed plants (2010) Benelux Congress of Zoology, 17th, Programme and abstracts. p.72-72
- Plant-soil feedback as a mechanism of invasion by Carpobrotus edulis (2010) BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS. 12(10). p.3637-3648
- Habitat structure modified by an invasive grass enhances inundation withstanding in a salt-marsh wolf spider (2010) BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS. 12(9). p.3219-3226
- Is movement behavior of riparian wolf spiders guided by external or internal information? (2010) JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY. 38(2). p.313-318
- Information use and density-dependent dispersal in an agrobiont spider (2010) BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY. 21(5). p.992-998
- Local adaptation of aboveground herbivores towards plant phenotypes induced by soil biota (2010) PLOS ONE. 5(6).
- Evolution of dispersal polymorphism and local adaptation of dispersal distance in spatially structured landscapes (2010) OIKOS. 119(3). p.560-566
- Interactions between root and shoot herbivores of Ammophila arenaria in the laboratory do not translate into correlated abundances in the field (2010) OIKOS. 119(6). p.1011-1019
- Spatial genetic variation of a riparian wolf spider Pardosa agricola (Thorell, 1856) on lowland river banks: the importance of functional connectivity in linear spatial systems (2010) BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 143(3). p.660-668
- 2009
- Between-population variation in homeward orientation behaviour in two riparian wolf spiders (2009) Behavioral processes. 82(1). p.62-66
- The effect of translocation on movement behaviour of Orthoptera – a test of the assumptions of behavioural studies (2009) Behavioral processes. 82(1). p.12-17
- Microbial modification of host long-distance dispersal capacity (2009) BMC Biology. 7(AR32).
- Inbreeding depresses short and long distance dispersal modes in three congeneric spiders (2009) Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22(7). p.1429-1434
- Evolution of body condition-dependent dispersal in metapopulations. (2009) Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 22(6). p.1242-1251
- Mate-locating behaviour, habitat-use and flight morphology relative to rainforest disturbance in an Afrotropical butterfly (2009) Biological Journal of the Linnaean Society. 96(4). p.830-839
- Repeatability of dispersal behavior in a common dwarf spider: evidence for different mechanisms behind short and long distance dispersal (2009) Ecological Entomology. 34(2). p.271-276
- Evidence of population differentiation in the dune grass Ammophila arenaria and its associated root-feeding nematodes (2009) PLANT AND SOIL. 324(1-2). p.307-316
- Integrating environmental conditions and functional life-history traits for riparian arthropod conservation planning (2009) BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 142(3). p.625-637
- Sex-specific dispersal and evolutionary rescue in host populations infected by male killing endosymbionts. (2009) BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY. 9.
- Differential herbivory tolerance of dominant and subordinate plant species along gradients of nutrient availability and competition (2009) Plant Ecology. 201(2). p.611-619
- 2008
- Assemblage structure and conservation value of spiders and carabid beetles from restored lowland river banks (2008) BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. 17(13). p.3133-3148
- Plasticity in flood-avoiding behaviour in two congeneric riparian wolf spiders (2008) Animal Biology. 58(4). p.389-400
- Understanding the impact of flooding on trait-displacements and shifts in assemblage structure of predatory arthropods on river banks (2008) Journal of Animal Ecology. 77(6). p.1162-1174
- Male-killing endosymbionts: influence of environmental conditions on persistence of host metapopulation (2008) BMC Evolutionary Biology. 8.
- Trampling affects the distribution of specialised coastal dune arthropods. (2008) BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 9(6). p.726-734
- Web building flexibility of an orb-web spider in a heterogeneous agricultural landscape (2008) ECOGRAPHY. 31(5). p.646-653
- Thermal conditions during juvenile development affect adult dispersal in a spider (2008) PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 105(44). p.17000-17005
- Starvation affects pre-dispersal behaviour of Erigone spiders (2008) BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 9(3). p.308-315
- Analysis of the specificity of three root-feeders towards grasses in coastal dunes (2008) PLANT AND SOIL. 310(1-2). p.113-120
- Grazing as a management tool in dune grasslands: Evidence of soil and scale dependence of the effect of large herbivores on plant diversity (2008) BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 141(6). p.1687-1694
- Dung beetles as secondary seed dispersers in a temperate grassland (2008) BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY. 9(5). p.542-549
- The Belgian sandy beach ecosystem: a review (2008) MARINE ECOLOGY-AN EVOLUTIONARY PERSPECTIVE. 29. p.171-185
- Importance of grazing and soil acidity for plant community composition and trait characterisation in coastal dune grasslands (2008) APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. 11(2). p.179-186
- Spatial scales affecting termite diversity in tropical lowland rainforest: a case study in southeast Cameroon (2008) AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY. 46(1). p.5-18
- 2007
- Heritability of spider ballooning motivation under different wind velocities (2007) EVOLUTIONARY ECOLOGY RESEARCH. 9(5). p.817-827
- Maternal care and reproductive state-dependent mobility determine natal dispersal in a wolf spider (2007) ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR. 74. p.63-69
- Aerial dispersal plasticity under different wind velocities in a salt marsh wolf spider (2007) BEHAVIORAL ECOLOGY. 18(2). p.438-443
- 2006
- Using distribution patterns of five threatened invertebrates in a highly fragmented dune landscape to develop a multispecies conservation approach (2006) BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 133(4). p.490-499
- Geographical variation in wolf spider dispersal behaviour is related to landscape structure (2006) ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR. 72. p.655-662
- Sand dynamics in coastal dune landscapes constrain diversity and life-history characteristics of spiders (2006) JOURNAL OF APPLIED ECOLOGY. 43(4). p.735-747
- Beach nourishment: an ecologically sound coastal defence alternative? A review (2006) AQUATIC CONSERVATION-MARINE AND FRESHWATER ECOSYSTEMS. 16(4). p.419-435
- Interdemic variation of cannibalism in a wolf spider (Pardosa monticola) inhabiting different habitat types (2006) ECOLOGICAL ENTOMOLOGY. 31(2). p.99-105
- Habitat use and mobility of two threatened coastal dune insects: implications for conservation (2006) JOURNAL OF INSECT CONSERVATION. 10(2). p.105-115
- 2005
- Are coastal dune management actions for biodiversity restoration and conservation underpinned by internationally published research? (2005) Proceedings ‘Dunes and Estuaries 2005’. p.165-178
- Integrated monitoring of nature restoration along ecotones, the example of the Yser estuary (2005) Proceedings ‘Dunes and Estuaries 2005’. p.191-210
- Spatial association between a spider wasp and its host in fragmented dune habitats (2005) JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY. 33(2). p.222-229
- Anthropogenic induced changes in nesting densities of the dune-specialised digger wasp Bembix rostrata (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) (2005) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY. 102(4). p.809-812
- Evaluatie Begrazing Kustduinen 1997-2004 : Onderzoek en evaluatie van de biologische gevolgen van acht jaar graasbeheer in de Vlaamse Westkustreservaten (2005) Evaluatie Begrazing Kustduinen 1997-2004 - Onderzoek en evaluatie van de biologische gevolgen van acht jaar graasbeheer in de Vlaamse Westkustreservaten.
- 2004
- Do habitat fragmentation, sand dynamics and recreation pressure affect the spatial distribution of three spiders from coastal grey dunes? (2004) Abstractbook of the 16th International Congress of Arachnology - Ghent 2004. p.195-195
- Evolution of ballooning behaviour in wolf spiders (Lycosidae): micro- versus macroevolutionary patterns (2004) Abstractbook of ISBE 2004. p.23-23
- Evolutionary and ecological determinants of ballooning dispersal in Pardosa-wolf spiders (2004) Abstractbook of the 16th International Congress of Arachnology - Ghent 2004. p.41-41
- Cannibalism as an indicator of prey availability in juvenile Pardosa monticola (2004) Abstracts of the 16th International Congress of Arachnology. p.172-172
- Cannibalism as an indicator of prey availability in juvenile Pardosa monticola (2004) Abstractbook of the 16th International Congress of Arachnology - Ghent 2004. p.172-172
- Colour variation and crypsis in relation to habitat selection in the males of the crab spider Xysticus sabulosus (Hahn, 1832) (Araneae: Thomisidae) (2004) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 134(2). p.3-7
- Cannibalism and prey sharing among juveniles of the spider Oedothorax gibbosus (Blackwall, 1841) (Erigoninae, Linyphiidae, Araneae) (2004) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 134(2). p.23-28
- The importance of habitat productivity, stability and heterogeneity for spider species richness in coastal grey dunes along the North Sea and its implications for conservation (2004) BIODIVERSITY AND CONSERVATION. 13(11). p.2119-2134
- Lack of homeward orientation and increased mobility result in high emigration rates from low-quality fragments in a dune wolf spider (2004) JOURNAL OF ANIMAL ECOLOGY. 73(4). p.643-650
- Effects of aerial dispersal, habitat specialisation, and landscape structure on spider distribution across fragmented grey dunes (2004) ECOGRAPHY. 27(3). p.343-349
- Trophobiotic relationships between ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and Tettigometridae (Hemiptera: Fulgoromorpha) in the grey dunes of Belgium (2004) EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY. 101(4). p.547-553
- Ecology, management and monitoring of grey dunes in Flanders (2004) Journal of Coastal Conservation. 10. p.33-42
- The use of spiders as indicators of habitat quality and anthropogenic disturbance in Flanders, Belgium (2004) European Arachnology 2002. p.129-141
- Biodiversiteit en natuurbehoud (2004) Levende duinen : een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek. p.366-415
- Dagvlinders aan de Vlaamse kust: parels voor de duinen? (2004) Levende duinen. Een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud. p.272-285
- The use of spiders as indicators of habitat quality and anthropogenic disturbance in Flanders, Belgium (2004) European Arachnology 2002. p.129-141
- Mieren in de Vlaamse kustduinen: een overzicht van de waargenomen soorten en hun belang voor het duinsysteem (2004) Levende duinen. Een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud. p.194-207
- Sprinkhanen in de Vlaamse kustduinen (Orthoptera: Saltatoria) (2004) Levende duinen. Een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud. p.286-297
- Determining spider species richness in fragmented coastal dune habitats by extrapolation and estimation (Araneae) (2004) European Arachnology 2002. p.189-197
- Spinnen (Araneae) van de Vlaamse kustduinen: grote diversiteit in soorten en vormen (2004) Levende duinen. Een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud. p.320-343
- Spinnen in grasland en ?mosduinfragmenten in de Vlaamse kustduinen: het belang van oppervlakte en interne structuurvariatie (2004) Natuurbeheer. p.373-374
- Broedvogels in de Vlaamse kustduinen en schorren: een overzicht (2004) Levende duinen. Een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud. p.158-175
- Mieren: een onmisbare schakel in duingraslanden? (2004) Natuurbeheer. p.272-272
- The distribution of ant nests (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in coastal grey dunes of Flanders (Belgium) and their relationship to myrmecochorous plants (2004) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 134(2). p.89-96
- Springstaarten (Collembola) in de Vlaamse kustduinen: onbekend maar misschien wel een onmisbare schakel in het duinecosysteem (2004) Levende duinen. Een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek. Mededelingen van het Instituut voor Natuurbehoud. p.312-319
- Levende duinen : een overzicht van de biodiversiteit in de Vlaamse kuststreek Sam Provoost UGent and Dries Bonte UGent (2004)
- Distribution of spiders in coastal grey dunes : spatial patterns and evolutionary-ecological importance of dispersal (2004)
- Aëronautisch gedrag ('ballooning') bij spinnen (Araneae) (2004) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 19(1-2). p.1-24
- Mieren: een onmisbare schakel in duingraslanden? (2004) Natuurbeheer. p.272-273
- Spinnen in grasland- en mosduinfragmenten in de Vlaamse kustduinen: het belang van oppervlakte en interne structuurvariatie (2004) Natuurbeheer. p.373-374
- Landschap en beheer van de kustduinen (2004) Natuurbeheer. p.265-305
- 2003
- Aerial dispersal in spiders from a fragmented dune system: proximate and innate factors and implications for species distribution (2003) Abstractbook of the Annual meeting of the British Ecological Society. p.9-9
- Spider dispersal in a fragmented dune system: on the interaction between nurture and nature (2003) Abstractbook of the International Symposium "Dispersal in fragmented landscapes". p.7-7
- Low ballooning propensity in habitat specialists from a fragmented landscape: rare species will become rarer (2003) Abstractbook of the 3rd International Symposium "Ecological Genetics". p.13-13
- Low ballooning propensity in habitat specialists from fragmented grey dunes: rare species will become rarer (2003) Abstractbook van de derde VLIZ-jongerendag. p.25-25
- Spatial distribution of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in coastal grey dunes, with an emphasis on ant-plant interactions (2003) VLIZ Special Publication. 12. p.4-7
- Spatio-temporele distributie van mieren (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in duingraslanden, met speciale aandacht voor plant-mier interacties (2003) Abstractbook van de derde VLIZ-jongerendag. p.4-7
- Biodiversity of the Flemish coast (2003) Abstractbook of the Annual meeting of the British Ecological Society. p.7-7
- Microgeographical distribution of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in coastal dune grassland and their relation to the soil structure and vegetation (2003) ANIMAL BIOLOGY. 53(4). p.367-377
- Environmental and genetic background of tiptoe-initiating behaviour in the dwarfspider Erigone atra (2003) ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR. 66. p.169-174
- The temporal and spatial relationship between stenotopic dwarf spiders (Erigoninae: Araneae) and their prey (Isotomidae: Collembola) in coastal grey dunes: A numerical aggregative response or common microhabitat preference? (2003) NETHERLANDS JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 52(2-4). p.243-253
- Regional and local variation of spider assemblages (Araneae) from coastal grey dunes along the North Sea (2003) JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY. 30(6). p.901-911
- Low propensity for aerial dispersal in specialist spiders from fragmented landscapes (2003) PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF LONDON SERIES B-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES. 270(1524). p.1601-1607
- Patch quality and connectivity influence spatial dynamics in a dune wolfspider (2003) OECOLOGIA. 135(2). p.227-233
- 2002
- Ants in dune grasslands of Oostduinkerke (West-Flanders, Belgium): microhabitat characterisation and relation with myrmecochores (2002) Benelux Congress of Zoology, 9th, Abstracts.
- The invasive occurrence of the Mediterranean dwarfspider Diplocephalus graecus (O.-P. Cambridge, 1872) in Belgium (Araneae: Linyphiidae) (2002) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 132(2). p.171-173
- Ballooning frequency in juvenile Pardosa monticola (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae, Lycosidae) is related to the habitat of the mother (2002) Abstracts of the 20th European Colloquium of Arachnology. p.125-125
- Ballooning frequency in juvenile Pardosa monticola (Clerck, 1757) (Araneae, Lycosidae) is related to the habitat of the mother (2002) Abstracts of the 9th Benelux Congress of Zoology. p.210-210
- The influence of nature restoration on former arable fields on the species composition and size of Asilid Flies (2002) Studia dipterologica. Supplement. 9. p.693-702
- A contribution to the distribution and ecology of Asilid flies in the sandy regions of Flanders (Diptera Asilidae) with a focus on the paucity in the Flemish coastal dunes (2002) BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE ROYALE BELGE D'ENTOMOLOGIE. p.20-28
- Duinstruwelen als habitat voor insecten en spinnen (2002) DE LEVENDE NATUUR. 103(3). p.95-97
- De invloed van natuurontwikkeling op voormalige akkers op de aanwezigheid van Roofvliegen Asilidae. (2002) Praktijkgericht onderzoek naar kansen en belangrijke stuurvariabelen voor natuurontwikkeling op gronden met voormalig intensief landbouwgebruik.. Deel 4 Partim Invertebraten. p.196-205
- Temporal and spatial distribution of epigeic Arthropleona springtails (Collembola Hexapoda) in coastal grey dunes. (2002) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY. 4(1). p.17-26
- Het effect van natuurontwikkeling op voormalige akkers in Vlaanderen op de spinnenfauna (Araneae) (2002) Praktijkgericht onderzoek naar kansen en belangrijke stuurvariabelen voor natuurontwikkeling op gronden met voormalig intensief landbouwgebruik, deel 4 partim : invertebraten. In Rapporten van het Instituut voor Bosbouw en Wildbeheer, sectie bosbouw p.36-75
- Beïnvloeden mierennesten de verspreiding van planten in matig voedselrijke duinen? : resultaten uit Oostduinkerke (2002) NATUUR.FOCUS. 1(2). p.61-64
- De sprinkhanen en krekels van enkele Oost-Vlaamse landduinrelicten: mogelijkheden voor de veldkrekel? (2002) NIEUWSBRIEF SALTABEL. p.9-14
- Duinstruwelen en samenstelling broedvogelbevolking: meer vogels, minder kwaliteit (2002) DE LEVENDE NATUUR. 103(3). p.88-93
- Ecology, management and monitoring of dune grasslands in Flanders, Belgium. (2002) Littoral 2002. Proceedings 6th Internatiol Symposium, Porto, 22-26 September 2002, volume II.. p.11-20
- Spider assemblage structure and stability in a heterogeneous coastal dune system (Belgium). (2002) JOURNAL OF ARACHNOLOGY. 30(2). p.331-343
- 2001
- A GIS study of breeding bird habitats in the Flemish coastal dunes and its implications for nature management (2001) COASTAL DUNE MANAGEMENT. p.128-139
- Monitoring van de effecten van begrazingsbeheer op vegetatie, flora en fauna van de Vlaamse natuurreservaten langs de Vlaamse kust : deel 1 : vastleggen van de uitgangssituatie en eerste monitoringsresultaten (2001)
- Life history, habitat use and dispersal of a dune wolf spider (Pardosa monticola (Clerck, 1757) Lycosidae, Araneae) in the Flemish coastal dunes (Belgium) (2001) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 131(2). p.145-157
- Broedvogels van de jonge en middeloude kustduinen tussen Bray-Dunes (F) en Lombardsijde (B): soortensamenstelling, ruimtelijke spreiding en implicaties voor het natuurbeheer (2001) Oriolus. 67(1). p.3-18
- Habitat and territory segregation within Sylviine warblers of the Flemish coastal dunes (2001) BELGIAN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY. 131(suppl. 2). p.49-57
- Therevidae (Diptera) in the East-Flemish inland dunes, pioneers on sandy soils? (2001) BULLETIN DE LA SOCIETE ROYALE BELGE D'ENTOMOLOGIE. p.32-35
- 2000
- Vlinders, parels voor de Vlaamse duinen (2000) Vlinders. 3. p.22-26
- Het effect van natuurontwikkeling op voormalige akkers in Vlaanderen op de spinnenfauna (Araneae) (2000) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 15(3). p.57-94
- De spinnenfauna van de Oost-Vlaamse binnenduinen: is er nog een specifieke fauna aanwezig? (2000) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 15(2). p.27-36
- The richness and paucity of the spider fauna of the Belgian coast (2000) BULLETIN DE L'INSTITUT ROYAL DES SCIENCES NATURELLES DE BELGIQUE. ENTOMOLOGIE. 70. p.97-107
- A record of the ant-lion Euroleon nostras (Foucr.) (Neuroptera, Myrmeleontidae) in the Flemish coastal dunes (Koksijde): a distant vagrant or an indication for overlooked populations? (2000) Bulletin van de Koninklijke Belgische Entomologische Vereniging. 136. p.40-43
- Seasonal and diurnal migration patterns of the spider (Araneae) fauna of coastal grey dunes. (2000) EKOLOGIA-BRATISLAVA. p.5-16
- The impact of grazing on spider communities in a mesophytic calcareous dune grassland (2000) Journal of coastal conservation. 6(2). p.135-144
- 1999
- Ontwerpbeheersplan voor het Vlaams natuurreservaat Hannecartbos gekaderd in een gebiedsvisie voor het duinencomplex Ter Yde te Oostduinkerke (Koksijde, West-Vlaanderen) (1999)
- Monitoring van het begrazingsbeheer in de Belgische kustduinen aan de hand van spinnen (1999) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 14(1). p.24-36
- De spinnenfauna van de Latemse Meersen: soortensamenstelling in functie van het grondgebruik (1999) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 14(2-3). p.69-82
- Verslag van de tweedaagse ARABEL-excursie naar de Boullonais (Noord-Frankrijk) (1999) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 14(2-3). p.41-47
- 1998
- Resultaten van een onderzoek naar aëronautisch actieve spinnen in het duingebied van Oostduinkerke (West-Vlaanderen) (1998) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 13(3). p.77-85
- Scientific research in the Flemish dunes: from a descriptive to an integrated approach (1998) Proceeding of the 5th EUCC-seminar Skagen. p.39-49
- Enkele nieuwe en zeldzame spinnen voor Vlaanderen en België (1998) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 13(2). p.44-50
- Bijzondere waarnemingen in de Vlaamse Kuststreek , september-november 1997 (1998) Mergus. 12(1-2). p.80-95
- Ontdekking van een grote populatie Bruine Winterjuffers (Sympecma fusca) in Les Dunes du Perroquet, Bray-Dunes (Fr.). Een mogelijke verklaring voor de waarnemingen van solitaire exemplaren langs de Vlaamse Westkust (1998) Gomphus. 1998(1-4). p.32-34
- Levenscycli van enkele duinspinnen (1998) NIEUWSBRIEF VAN DE BELGISCHE ARACHNOLOGISCHE VERENIGING. 13(1). p.1-14
- De broedvogels van enkele duingebieden aan de Vlaamse Westkust: huidige situatie en te verwachten veranderingen in het kader van het gevoerde natuurbeheer (1998) Mergus. 12(1-2). p.69-79
- 1997
- Dynamics and overwintering characteristics of spiders (Araneae) in the managed coastal dunes (1997) BIOLOGISCH JAARBOEK [DODONAEA]. 65. p.110-111
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