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- Journal Article
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- open access
The Effects on Mood of Adjunctive Single-Family and Multi-Family Group Therapy in the Treatment of Hospitalized Patients with Major Depression A 15-Month Follow-Up Study
An interpersonal perspective on depression: The role of marital adjustment, conflict communication, attributions, and attachment within a clinical sample
Relatietevredenheid, -stabiliteit, en -kwaliteit: een stand van zaken met aanbevelingen voor assessment
Marital satisfaction, conflict communication, attachment style and psychological distress in couples with a hospitalized depressed patient
Does negative mood influence self-report assessment of individual and relational measures? An experimental analysis
Indirect pathways between depressive symptoms and marital distress: The role of conflict communication, attributions, and attachment style
A categorical and dimensional perspective on depression within a nonclinical sample of couples
- PhD Thesis
- open access
Individual and relational indicators of depression and marital distress: a categorical and dimensional perspective
(2003) -
Dealing with relational conflict: A picture in milliseconds.
Assessment van relationeel functioneren: de ontwikkeling van Nederlandstalig instrumentarium