- 0000-0002-7049-2712
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Storyworlds and the semiotic rules of narrative imagination : Peirce and Cassirer as a starting point for the study of literary world experience
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Maailmalinnad ja teisesed linnad : kasvu ja hübriidsuse kujutlus moodsas kirjanduses = World cities and second cities : imagining growth and hybridity in modern literature
World cities and second cities : imagining growth and hybridity in modern literature
Learning from stories : narrative imagination in urbanism
De pauper en de metropool : de stedelijke migrant in de negentiende- en twintigste-eeuwse roman
Bakhtin e o cronotopo: reflexões, aplicações, perspectivas
Nele Bemong, Pieter Borghart (UGent) , Michel De Dobbeleer (UGent) , Kristoffel Demoen (UGent) , Koen De Temmerman (UGent) and Bart Keunen (UGent)(2015) 2. -
Ik en de stad: fantasmagorie-, ideologie- en utopiekritiek in literatuur en cultuur 1800-2010
(2015) -
The socioeconomic outsider: labor and the poor
Espace, temps et récit: imagination narrative et urbanisme
Ruimte en Ideologie in 'Houtekiet' en 'De Teleurgang van de waterhoek'