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Off-target glycans encountered along the synthetic biology route toward humanized N-glycans in Pichia pastoris
Comparative proteomic profiling in compatible and incompatible interactions between hop roots and Verticillium albo-atrum
Automated sample preparation for de novo sequence analysis of N-terminal derivatized peptides
Biochemical characterization of Sfh-I, a subclass B2 metallo-β-lactamase from Serratia fonticola UTAD54
Automated N-terminal derivatization procedure for high-throughput de novo sequence analysis
C-terminal sequence analysis in the proteomic era
A new chemical approach to differentiate carboxy terminal peptide fragments in cyanogen bromide digests of proteins
Protein differential expression induced by endocrine disrupting compounds in a terrestrial isopod
Resistance of the dopamine D4 receptor to agonist-induced internalization and degradation
Identification of a gene coding for a deglycosylating enzyme in Hypocrea jecorina