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Tumour characteristics of screen-detected and interval cancers in the Flemish Breast Cancer Screening Programme : a mammographic breast density study
Screen-detected versus interval cancers : effect of imaging modality and breast density in the Flemish Breast Cancer Screening Programme
Impact of the digitalisation of mammography on performance parameters and breast dose in the Flemish Breast Cancer Screening Programme
Technical and clinical breast cancer screening performance indicators for computed radiography versus direct digital radiography
Age-specific accuracy of initial versus subsequent mammography screening: results from the Ghent breast cancer-screening programme.
Diagnostic ability of general practitioners and dermatologists in discriminating pigmented skin lesions.
Time delays and related factors in the diagnosis of cutaneous melanoma.
Breast cancer screening in Europe - Current status.
Under-registration of melanoma in Belgium: an analysis.
Trends in mortality from cutaneous malignant melanoma in Belgium.