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- Journal Article
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An open-source implementation for full-wave 2D scattering by million-wavelength-size objects
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
A calderon multiplicative preconditioner for coupled surface-volume electric field integral equations
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Embedding calderon multiplicative preconditioners in multilevel fast multipole algorithms
Numerical analysis of the influence of geometry and temperature on switching processes in magnetic nanostrips
On the accuracy of FFT based magnetostatic field evaluation schemes in micromagnetic hysteresis modeling
A Calderón multiplicative preconditioner for the combined field integral equation
Nullspaces of MFIE and Calderón preconditioned EFIE operators applied to toroidal surfaces
A Caldéron preconditioned PMCHWT equation
A broadband MLFMA using pseudospherical harmonics
Time domain Calderón identities and their application to the integral equation analysis of scattering by PEC objects, part II: stability