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A field trip to Ethiopia : an overview how to integrate Ethiopia in geography education in Belgium
(2016) -
Digital representation of historical globes: methods to make 3D and semi-3D models of 16th century Mercator globes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Digital representation of historical globes : methods to make 3D and pseudo-3D models of sixteenth century Mercator globes
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Ferraris, the legend
How accurate can a legend be?: the case of the Ferraris map
COSMAS, the Space Reporter - an Educational Tool for Secondary Schools
GeoloGIS - Development of an Educational Software Module to Understand the Geological Structure of Belgium
Geo-mobile - The Development of a Set of Interactive Courses related to Geomatics
Ontwikkeling van een elektronische leeromgeving ter ondersteuning van geografische excursies
Teaching cartography using diagrams: concept maps