em. prof. dr. Patrick Van Kenhove
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Assertiveness bias in gender ethics research : why women deserve the benefit of the doubt
The compelling urge to misbehave : do impulse purchases instigate unethical consumer behavior?
The effectiveness of fear appeals featuring fines versus social disapproval in preventing shoplifting among adolescents
One sail fits all? A psychographic segmentation of digital pirates
Would you be so kind to buy fair? The impact of interpersonal feelings on fair-trade consumption
Cognitive biases in the judgment of ethically charged contexts: numerosity and solitaire illusion
A dirty store is a cost forever: the harmful influence of disorderly retail settings on unethical consumer behavior
Speech is silver, silence is gold: why women (vs. men) remain silent when a cashier miscalculates the bill to their advantage
Marktonderzoek: methoden en toepassingen
(2014) -
Towards a better understanding of gender differences in unethical behavior