prof. dr. Johan Christiaens
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Jaarrekeningen van zeer kleine VZW’s worden amper gepubliceerd en blijven slordig
- Journal Article
- open access
Jaarrekeningen van zeer kleine vzw’s worden amper gepubliceerd en blijven slordig.
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Better data for budgetary surveillance : EU law on statistics as key to unlocking the potential of public sector accounting
IPSAS 49 retirement benefit plans
Discussion: Are government buildings, structures, defence equipment and similar goods, really assets?
- Book Chapter
- open access
IPSAS : case study
- Book Chapter
- open access
Overview of IPSAS on public sector specific topics
Towards convergence of heritage accounting perspectives : the public sector and the private not-for-profit sector
The hurdle model : analysing the influence of country characteristics on participation in IPSASB’s due process
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Harmonising public sector accounting laws and regulations of the European Union member states : powers and competences