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Internal exposure of Flemish teenagers to environmental pollutants : results of the Flemish Environment and Health Study 2016-2020 (FLEHS IV)
Assessment of mycotoxin exposure in the Belgian population using biomarkers: aim, design and methods of the BIOMYCO study
A semi-probabilistic modelling approach for the estimation of dietary exposure to phthalates in the Belgian adult population
Phthalates dietary exposure and food sources for Belgian preschool children and adults
Food sources and correlates of sodium and potassium intakes in Flemish pre-school children
Harmonised procedures for producing new data on the nutritional composition of ethnic foods
Reproducibility and relative validity of a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire designed for assessing the intake of dioxin-like contaminants
Flanders diet survey in Preschool children: rationale, aims, design, methods and population characteristics.
Beverage consumption in Belgian adolescents.
Het voedingspatroon van Vlaamse adolescenten