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Salt water intrusion in the breakthrough valley of the river Aa between the Flemish coastal plain and the Saint Omer basin (France)
Global sampling to assess the value of diverse observations in conditioning a real-world groundwater flow and transport model
MODFLOW procedure to simulate axisymmetric flow in radially heterogeneous and layered aquifer systems
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Groundwater flow and salinity distribution near a tidal gully in the Zwin remnant, Belgium
- Conference Paper
- C1
- open access
Historic and projected saltwater distribution at the left bank of the river Scheldt near the port of Antwerp, Belgium
- Conference Paper
- C3
- open access
Groundwater flow and saltwater distribution near a gully in the Zwin
Bioremediation: how to deal with removal efficiency uncertainty?: an economic application
The value of groundwater modeling to support a pump and treat design
Reconstructing phreatic palaeogroundwater levels in a geoarchaeological context: a case study in Flanders, Belgium
Modelling the historical evolution of the fresh-salt water distribution in a Dutch-Flemish transboundary aquifer