em. prof. Ronald Soetaert
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Over kunst en educatie : een retorische blik.
- Book Chapter
- open access
A rhetorical analysis of the two cultures in literary fiction
- Book Chapter
- open access
Perspectives on science and culture
- Book Editor
- open access
Perspectives on science and culture
Kris Rutten (UGent) , Stefaan Blancke (UGent) and Ronald Soetaert (UGent)(2018) -
Rhetoric, narrative and management : learning from Mad Men
Players' perspectives on the positive impact of video games: a qualitative content analysis of online forum discussions
Social media in literacy education : exploring social reading with pre-service teachers
- Issue Editor
- open access
Rhetoric as equipment for living : part II
Kris Rutten (UGent) , Dries Vrijders (UGent) and Ronald Soetaert (UGent) -
Attitudes toward education : Kenneth Burke and new rhetoric
Kris Rutten (UGent) and Ronald Soetaert (UGent) -
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Constructing the 'child at risk' in social work reports: a way of seeing is a way of not seeing