dr. Hedwig Boudrez
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Analysis of smoking cessation beliefs in pregnant smokers and ex-smokers using the Theory of Planned Behavior
The modified reasons for smoking scale : factorial structure, validity and reliability in pregnant smokers
The modified reasons for smoking scale: factorial structure, validity and reliability in pregnant smokers
Which role do midwives and gynecologists have in smoking cessation in pregnant women? : a study in Flanders, Belgium
Risico van cardiovasculaire ongewenste effecten met de huidige geneesmiddelen voor rookstop?
Roken en rookstop bij psychiatrische patiënten
The association between self-reported lifestyle changes and health-related quality of life in coronary patients: the EUROASPIRE III survey
Rookreductie versus abrupte rookstop
Smoking patterns, depression, and sociodemographic variables among Flemish women durinbg pregnancy and the postpartum period
Predictors of quit success in Belgian participants of a varenicline observational smoking cessation study