- 0000-0002-5373-058X
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Experimental determination of k0, Q0 factors, effective resonance energies and neutron cross-sections for 37 isotopes of interest in NAA
Experimental k0 and k0-fission factors for the determination of the n(235U)/n(238U) enrichment levels and correction for 235U fission interferences in samples containing uranium
Experimental determination of Q0 factors and effective resonance energies with a multi-channel approach: the α-vector method
Experimental evaluation of epithermal neutron self-shielding for 96Zr and 98Mo
Experimental determination of k0 nuclear data for the cesium radionuclides
Experimental determination of k0, Q0, Ēr factors and neutron cross-sections for 41 isotopes of interest in Neutron Activation Analysis
Experimental validation of some thermal neutron self-shielding calculation methods for cylindrical samples in INAA
The impact of polyethylene vials on reactor channel characterization in k0-NAA
Delayed White Matter Changes of the Brain in Vegetative Patients : a Positron Emission Tomographic Study
Cerebral blood flow and oxygen metabolism in symptomatic internal carotid artery occlusion by (traumatic) cervical artery dissection