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Inundation frequency determines the post-pioneer successional pathway in a newly created salt marsh
Environmental determinism versus biotic stochasticity in the appearance of plant species in salt-marsh succession
Short-term impact of grazing by sheep on vegetation dynamics in a newly created salt-marsh site
Habitat structure modified by an invasive grass enhances inundation withstanding in a salt-marsh wolf spider
Factors affecting the success of early salt-marsh colonizers: seed availability rather than site suitability and dispersal traits
The effect of successional stage and salinity on the vertical distribution of seeds in salt marsh soils
Integrating environmental conditions and functional life-history traits for riparian arthropod conservation planning
Allozyme characterization of Hogna species (Araneae, Lycosidae) of the Galapagos Archipelago
Male head secretion triggers copulation in the dwarf spider Diplocephalus permixtus
Assemblage structure and conservation value of spiders and carabid beetles from restored lowland river banks