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MtNRLK1, a CLAVATA1-like leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase upregulated during nodulation in Medicago truncatula
Role of LONELY GUY genes in indeterminate nodulation on Medicago truncatula
Nodule development on the tropical legume Sesbania virgata under flooded and non-flooded conditions
Plant-derived auxin plays an accessory role in symptom development upon Rhodococcus fascians infection
pFiD188, the linear virulence plasmid of Rhodococcus fascians D188
Nodule numbers are governed by interaction between CLE peptides and cytokinin signaling
Never too many?: how legumes control nodule numbers
Identification of putative CLE peptide receptors involved in determinate nodulation in soybean
A successful coup d'état: how Rhodococcus fascians redirects plant development
Transcriptional and post-transcriptional regulation of a NAC1 transcription factor in Medicago truncatula roots