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Protecting public health and the environment : towards a general ban on cellulose acetate cigarette filters in the European Union
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- open access
Long-term residential exposure to air pollution is associated with hair cortisol concentration and differential leucocyte count in Flemish adolescent boys
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Urinary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon metabolites are associated with biomarkers of chronic endocrine stress, oxidative stress, and inflammation in adolescents : FLEHS-4 (2016–2020)
- Journal Article
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- open access
Determinants of chronic biological stress, measured as hair cortisol concentration, in a general population of adolescents : from individual and household characteristics to neighborhood urbanicity
Identification of chemicals of emerging concern in urine of Flemish adolescents using a new suspect screening workflow for LC-QTOF-MS
Metals, hormones and sexual maturation in Flemish adolescents in three cross-sectional studies (2002-2015)
Environmental exposure to human carcinogens in teenagers and the association with DNA damage
Phthalate-induced oxidative stress and association with asthma-related airway inflammation in adolescents
Investigating unmetabolized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in adolescents' urine as biomarkers of environmental exposure
Metabolic targets of endocrine disrupting chemicals assessed by cord blood transcriptome profiling