prof. dr. Kelly Van Lancker
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Assumption-lean cox regression
- Journal Article
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Ensuring valid inference for cox hazard ratios after variable selection
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
PROMISE : effect of protein supplementation on fat-free mass preservation after bariatric surgery, a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial
Single-arm studies involving patient-reported outcome data in oncology : a literature review on current practice
Efficient, doubly robust estimation of the effect of dose switching for switchers in a randomized clinical trial
Optimizing treatment effect estimation in randomized trials by leveraging baseline covariates and early read-outs
(2021) -
Principled selection of baseline covariates to account for censoring in randomized trials with a survival endpoint
On identification of the principal stratum effect in patients who would comply if treated
Improving interim decisions in randomized trials by exploiting information on short-term endpoints and prognostic baseline covariates
Evaluating futility of a binary clinical endpoint using early read‐outs