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Arcobacter cibarius sp nov., isolated from broiler carcasses
Discrepancies between the isolation of Salmonella from mesenteric lymph nodes and the results of serological screening in slaughter pigs
Prevalence, enumeration and strain variation of Arcobacter species in the faeces of healthy cattle in Belgium
Evaluation and validation of different screenings tests for tetracyclines residues in animal tissues
Evaluation and validation of different screening tests for tetracycline resiudes in animal tissues
Occurrence and strain diversity of Arcobacter species isolated from healthy Belgian pigs
Evaluation and establishing the performance of different screening tests for tetracycline residues in animal tissues
Risk factors for the herd-level bacteriologic prevalence of Salmonella in Belgian slaughter pigs
Thermofiele campylobacters : belangrijke voedselgeassocieerde humane pathogenen
- Journal Article
- A3
- open access
Arcobacter, een nieuwe voedselpathogeen in de schaduw van de thermofiele campylobacters