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Comparison of prone and supine positioning for breast cancer radiotherapy using REQUITE data : dosimetry, acute and two years physician and patient-reported outcomes
Prone breast and lymph node irradiation in 5 or 15 fractions : a randomized 2 x 2 design comparing dosimetry, acute toxicity, and set-up errors
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- open access
Treatment time and circadian genotype interact to influence radiotherapy side-effects : a prospective European validation study using the REQUITE cohort
Accelerated radiotherapy in patients over sixty years old after mastectomy : acute and one-year physician-assessed toxicity and health-related quality of life
- Journal Article
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- open access
Reproducibility of repeated breathhold and impact of breathhold failure in whole breast and regional nodal irradiation in prone crawl position
Two-year toxicity of simultaneous integrated boost in hypofractionated prone breast cancer irradiation : comparison with sequential boost in a randomized trial
5-year outcomes of a randomized trial comparing prone and supine whole breast irradiation in large-breasted women
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- open access
Acute toxicity and health-related quality of life after accelerated whole breast irradiation in 5 fractions with simultaneous integrated boost
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
External validation of a predictive model for acute skin radiation toxicity in the REQUITE Breast Cohort
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Crawl positioning improves set-up precision and patient comfort in prone whole breast irradiation