Mohammad Karbalaei Akbari
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Plasmonic nanodomains on two-dimensional (2D) surface oxide of liquid metal nanoparticles : a versatile platform for synergistic photo-sonochemical room-temperature CO2 conversion
Plasma treatment of two-dimensional metal oxide semiconductors for design of tunable nano-electronic junctions
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Exploring heterointerface characteristics and charge-storage dynamics in ALD-developed ultra-thin TiO2-In2O3/Au heterojunctions
Plasma-modulated supercapacitive-coupled memristive behavior of two-dimensional gallium oxide channels towards the realization of tunable semiconductor–metal nanoelectronic gates
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Recent progress on core-shell zeolitic imidazole frameworks : a review of synthesis and applications
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
ALD-enabled WO3-MoO3 nanohybrid heterostructure for high-performance electrochemical supercapacitors
Super-capacitive capabilities of wafer-scaled two-dimensional SnO2-Ga2O3 n-p heterostructures fabricated by atomic layer deposition
Two-dimensional semiconductor materials at photonic nanojunctions of plasmonic metasurfaces
- Journal Article
- A2
- open access
Atomic layer deposition-fabricated two-dimensional MoO3-WO3 nanohybrid thin-film electrode for ultrasensitive and interference-free detection of dopamine
- Journal Article
- A1
- open access
Acoustic-activated Se crystalline nanodomains at atomically-thin liquid-metal piezoelectric heterointerfaces for synergistic CO2 conversion